Building an accountability group
Hi guys, I haven't told to a lot of people but me and Dima are building an accountability group with an intention to build our own product around it.
It's been hell of a time already, we are testing it out on a group of 8 people now on a simple Google spreadsheet and having a Telegram chat at the same time as well where we document the daily progress and have a nice chat with like minded people.
Now, as I am reading various articles about masterminds and accountability groups, I want to write down some of my takeaways.
When we have to answer to other people, we can do things we can’t do on our own.
A great accountability group consists on 6–8 people from various industries.
The difference between Mastermind and Accountability group -
In a mastermind the group meets regularly to share and work on challenges using the power of the group.
In an accountability group, the focus is more individually action-oriented. Members may suggest ideas or solutions to issues, but the main purpose of the group is to encourage action by holding each other accountable to their set goals.
It should have a written description.
Although the collective energy is what makes this method work, someone does need to run the group.
Around 80% of the group activity should be in setting the goals at the start of the week and being accountable by the end of the week. It's okay not to be really active all the time as long as you are doing things.
The group’s energy is crucial, so if you have people who have stopped checking in, ask them if you really want to continue.
(money factor would be a thing that keeps you motivated)
Competitors that are already killing it there.
Consequently, groups where everyone simply checks in once a week with “success” or “fail” aren’t going to be as motivational as ones where you’re posting photos of you at the gym or flossing or eating your vegan lunch. You want to be able to share your struggles too.
Another way to do the accountability group is to just focus on one thing for all of the members — hit gym 4 times a week, no fast food, etc…
Instead of choosing big lofty goals that are outside of your control, choose only three very specific and achievable goals.
Goals should be Tasks instead.
Paid groups will produce more results. Taking money as a punishment don't really work.
2 weeks for an accountability goals might be a better fit than 1 week, the more so that the idea is to change your group to also gain new connections.