How to break the habit of being yourself?
Here is a quick little summary of the book.
The quantum field responds not to what we want; it responds to who we are being.
Everything in the physical universe is made up of subatomic particles such as electrons. These particles exist as pure potential. They are in their wave state when they’re not being observed. These particles are potential ‘everything’ and ‘nothing’ until they are observed. Hence everything in our physical reality exists as pure potential.
The quantum field or the universe for this matter contains a reality in anything you want. So if you want to become a millionaire, the universe contains a reality in which you are a millionaire. And since our consciousness has effects on energy, we are powerful enough to influence matter.
Now, the science behind its weird consequences is unquestionable. And it boils down to this: a quantum system — say, an atom or a photon — can exist in multiple mutually exclusive states at one single moment. This is called a quantum superposition, and it’s bizarre to even think about in theory.
Some of the greatest scientists alive believe that it is entirely possible that we are living in a “universal choose-your-own-adventure” narrative!
Thinking is merely the starting point of the process of reducing all of your possible realities to the one you want to live in. However, if you want to make your desired reality real, well, do precisely that. Namely, start acting as if you are already living inside your visualizations.
Whatever it is you want, the potential is there. The only missing link is whether we have the ability to ‘observe’, to change our ‘focus’ to look it or not.
Our brain doesn’t know the difference between the internal world (what we imagine in our heads) to what we experience in the external environment. That is, our thoughts can become our experience.
For example, if you want to become a millionaire. Think of how a millionaire would think, act, do, how their house would look like etc. First act in that way. And you will slowly attract the quantum potential of you being a millionaire into your life. It’s like, first you have to be a millionaire kind of person to actually become a millionaire.
[The first is the identity of how you see yourself. The second is the identity of how you appear to others. There’s a gap because we usually don’t want others to see who we truly are inside. So it’s like we put on this front and have two identities. The thing is the second identity was actually created by us to hide our first identity. But now and then the first identity (our true identity) comes out and we try suppressing it further by changing our external world. But what we actually have to do is change our internal world. Dispenza defines happiness as closing this gap.
The gap was created because we memorized many emotional layers such as unworthiness, anger, fear, shame, self-doubt, and guilt. Hence our life’s aim is to close this gap. To really show who we truly are inside. This is what will make us ultimately fulfilled. Being self-expressed creates happiness. And we can do this by unlearning and un-memorizing these emotional states.]
Say you want to become a more courageous person.
The first step is to activate your neocortex. Meaning: you need to find yourself a model — or, even better, models — and study their actions. You want to be a Maya Angelou or a Winston Churchill? Read about them and teach your neocortex what they did to become who they are.
Then, it’s time to put your Limbic brain into action. When a situation arises which demands bravery, willingly force your body to act the way you tried teaching yourself is the best one.
Now that your body has acquired an understanding of bravery, it will be easy to repeat the action you’ve already done once in the next similar circumstance. After all, they don’t say for anything that the first time is the toughest.
Do a thing two or three times, and you can be sure that your cerebellum has registered it as a part of your character.
Meaning: you’ve successfully gone through the process of becoming who you want to be!
1. Become Who You Want to Be — From Brain Cell to Gene
2. Don’t Play Out Your Past Memories — Live Through Your Future Fantasies Instead
3. Learn How to Bridge the Identity Gap and Be Happy
When you think from your past memories, you can only create past experiences. As all of the ‘knowns’ in your life cause your brain to think and feel in familiar ways, thus creating knowable outcomes, you continually reaffirm your life as you know it. And since your brain is equal to your environment, then each morning, your senses plug you into the same reality and initiate the same stream of consciousness… If you want a new outcome, you will have to break the habit of being yourself and reinvent a new self.
Ask yourself these questions at the end of the day
- How did I do today?
- When did I fall from grace, why?
- When did I go “unconscious”?
You probably know someone who has mastered suffering, right? So you call her and ask, “How are you?” She answers “So-So.” You go on and say “Listen, I’m going to go out with some friends to a new art gallery and then eat at this restaurant that has really healthy desserts. Afterward, we’re going to listen to some live music. Would you like to come with us?” And after a long pause, your friend answers “No. I don’t feel like it.
But if she said what she actually meant, she’d say, I’ve memorized this emotional state, and nothing in my environment — no person, no experience, no condition, nothing — is going to move me from my internal chemical state of suffering. It feels better to be in pain than to let go and be happy. I am enjoying my addiction for now, and all these things that you want to do might distract me from my emotional dependency.
Your Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself Action Plan
- Choose your top 3 new traits. For example being compassionate, being bold and caring. Immerse yourself into studying on how to be just that by researching famous figures who embody that trait.
- Act out those 3 traits. Whenever you get a chance, ask yourself “What would a compassionate person do?” And do this. Do this enough times until you don’t need to consciously remember to be compassionate anymore. Do this for all 3 traits.
- Unlearn your worst 3 traits. Choose the top 3 traits that you don’t like about yourself. This could also include beliefs about yourself. Beliefs such as I’m not good enough. To unlearn it, take actions no matter how small to prove that you are good enough. And when you do, consciously write them down so you can remember it. Once you build up this bank of examples where you proved to yourself that you are good enough, slowly your old belief will just fall away. Of course, you can also do the meditation to unlearn these traits quicker. However, I’d suggest reading the book first in this case.