Relentless: From Good to Great to Unstoppable summary

24 min readSep 14, 2017


You don't have to love the work. You just have to crave for the results.

Guys, here is a summary of a great book that Andy recommended to read — check him out on the best podcast ever → MFCEO PROJECT. This guys is killer and the podcast is best entrepreneurial podcast EVER. I swear!

Here are the highlights. The book tells how the author have been mentally preparing and training the best NBA athletes like Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant etc and tells exactly what separates the absolute best guys on the planet from the guys who are scared to compete on that level.

Every dream you imagine , everything you see and hear and feel in your sleep , that’s not a fantasy , that’s your deep instinct telling you it can all be real . Follow those visions and dreams and desires , and believe what you know . Only you can turn those dreams into reality . Never stop until you do . The greatest battles you will ever fight are with yourself , and you must always be your toughest opponent . Always demand more of yourself than others demand of you . Be honest with yourself , and you’ll be able to meet every challenge with confidence and the deep belief that you are prepared for anything . Life can be complicated ; the truth is not . I truly believe I have zero limitations . You should believe the same about yourself . Listen to your instincts . They’re telling you the truth . I want the satisfaction of knowing that every move I make , every thought , every idea , every action takes me further than anyone else has ever gone and makes me better at what I do than anyone else in the world . That’s what drives me . Whatever drives you , let it take you where you want to be . Everything you want can be yours . Be a Cleaner and go get it . Be relentless . Done .

Cleaner Law: when you reduce your competition to whining that you “got lucky,” you know you’re doing something right. There are no shortcuts, and there is no luck. People always say “good luck” in a pressure situation. No. It’s not about luck, I don’t believe in luck. There are facts and opportunities and realities, and how you respond to them determines whether you succeed or fail.

Everyone is given some ability at birth. Not everyone finds out what that ability is. Sometimes you find it on your own, sometimes it has to be shown to you. Either way, it’s there. At the same time, there are abilities you are not given. Our challenge in life is to use the abilities we have, and to compensate for the abilities we don’t have. It’s completely instinctive; we compensate in order to survive. Individuals with limited vision frequently have heightened hearing; people with certain disabilities discover they have extraordinary talents in other areas. Something is given and something is taken away. I know countless athletes who are blessed with incredible physical gifts: height, skill, strength, speed . . . but no work ethic, or no support system, no way to use or develop or take advantage of those skills. Successful people compensate for what they don’t have; unsuccessful people make excuses, blame everyone else, and never get past the deficiencies. A true leader can see past those deficiencies, identify the abilities, and get the most out of that individual.

If you don’t make a choice , the choice will be made for you .
It’s time to stop listening to what everyone else says about you , telling you what to do , how to act , how you should feel . Let them judge you by your results , and nothing else ; it’s none of their business how you get where you’re going . If you’re relentless , there is no

Being relentless means demanding more of yourself than anyone else could ever demand of you , knowing that every time you stop , you can still do more . You must do more .

We never saw obstacles or problems, we only saw situations in need of solutions.

Being relentless means never being satisfied. It means creating new goals every time you reach your personal best. If you’re good, it means you don’t stop until you’re great. If you’re great, it means you fight until you’re unstoppable. It means becoming a Cleaner.

Remember, it’s not about talent or brains or wealth. It’s about the relentless instinctive drive to do whatever it takes — anything — to get to the top of where you want to be, and to stay there.

A Cleaner’s attitude can be summed up in three words: I own this. He walks in with confidence and leaves with results.

Being a Cleaner has almost nothing to do with talent . Everyone has some degree of talent ; it doesn’t always lead to success . Those who reach this level of excellence don’t coast on their talent . They’re completely focused on taking responsibility and taking charge , whether they’re competing in sports or managing a family or running a business or driving a bus ; they decide how to get the job done , and then they do whatever is necessary to make it happen .

A true Cleaner never tells you what he’s doing or what he’s planning. You find out after the job is complete. And by the time you realize what he’s accomplished, he’s already moved on to the next challenge. Why do I call them Cleaners? Because they take responsibility for everything. When something goes wrong, they don’t blame others because they never really count on anyone else to get the job done in the first place.

Cleaners are rule-breakers when they have to be; they only care about the end result.

He’s addicted to the exquisite rush of success. His lust for it is so powerful, the craving is so intense, that he’ll alter his entire life to get it. And it’s still never enough. As soon as he feels it, tastes it, holds it . . . the moment is over and he craves more.

Cleaners don’t care about “having it all.” You ever see some of these billionaires? They’re the worst-dressed guys in the room. Warren Buffett still lives in the house he bought in 1958 for $31,500. True Cleaners don’t care about the bling and the showy lifestyle; they look at the bottom line. All that matters is the end result, not the instant gratification along the way.

Physical dominance can make you great. Mental dominance is what ultimately makes you unstoppable.

Every day, you have to do something you don’t want to do. Every day. Challenge yourself to be uncomfortable, push past the apathy and laziness and fear.
Bottom line if you want success of any kind: you have to be comfortable being uncomfortable.

There are no secrets . There are no tricks . If anything , it’s the opposite : Whether you’re a pro athlete or a guy running a business or driving a truck or going to school , it’s simple . Ask yourself where you are now , and where you want to be instead . Ask yourself what you’re willing to do to get there . Then make a plan to get there . Act on it .

Truth : when you’re finally able to let go and be who you really are , that’s what puts you in the Zone , and only then can you control your fear and inhibition . Without that deep instinctive component , it’s like trying to light a lighter that has no fuel inside . You get a lot of sputtering little sparks but no fire.

If he ever felt anything negative , he never showed it . That’s a Cleaner . If you’re in the military and you see your commander backing up or if you’re in an office and you see the boss becoming unhinged , what does that say to everyone else ? Cleaners show emotion if it’s the only way to get everyone else where they need to be . But never because the Cleaner has lost control of his feelings . That means being in the Zone.

Again: emotions make you weak. The fastest way to tumble out of the Zone is to allow emotions to drive your actions.

A Cleaner thinks, If I’m feeling nervous, how the fuck are they feeling? They have to deal with me.

Think about that intense moment when you’re on the top of a roller coaster, right before it sends you into that wild free fall. You know what’s coming, you know it’s supposed to be scary. Do you scream? Do you panic? Or do you stay calm and fearless because you know you can handle whatever happens next? The difference is what sets you apart from those who give in to the fear and can’t control how they feel.
You cannot be great without it . • • • Picture a lion running wild . He stalks his prey , attacking and killing at will , and then goes in search of his next conquest . That’s what his lion instincts tell him to do , he doesn’t know anything else . He’s not misbehaving , he’s not bad , he’s being a lion . Now lock him up in the zoo . He lies there all day , quiet and lethargic and well fed . What happened to those powerful instincts ? They’re still there , deep inside , waiting to be uncaged . Let him out of the zoo and he goes lion again , preying and attacking . Put him back in the cage , he lies down . Most people are the lion in the cage . Safe , tame , predictable , waiting for something to happen . But for humans , the cage isn’t made of glass and steel bars ; it’s made of bad advice and low self — esteem and bullshit rules and tortured thinking about what you can’t do or what you’re supposed to do . It’s molded around you by a lifetime of overthinking and overanalyzing and worrying about what could go wrong . Stay in the cage long enough , you forget those basic instincts .
But they’re there, right now, waiting for you to find the key to the cage so you can finally stop thinking about what you’ll do if you ever get out. All that killer instinct is just waiting to attack. What’s stopping you? Can you be reasonably successful by just following directions and staying within the lines? Sure. That’s what most people do. But if we’re talking about being elite, if you want to be unstoppable, you have to learn to put aside everything you’ve been taught, all the restrictions and limitations, the negativity and doubt. If that sounds complicated and confusing, let me make it simple: You have to stop thinking. It’s so basic. Are you good at what you do? Maybe even great at what you do? Can you be the best? Yes? If you said no, I’ll give you a moment to change your answer. Again: Can you be the best? Of course you can. Then why are you still questioning your ability to do it?
Quick answer: because at some point, you made something simple into something complicated, and you stopped trusting yourself.

Everything you need is already inside you. You are completely wired with instincts and reflexes specifically designed so you can survive and succeed. You don’t have to think about using them, they’re always working. Reflexes are easy: If I whip a ball at your face, are you going to stop and think about what to do? No, you catch the ball or duck out of the way, or you get a busted face. At the very least you’re going to flinch. If I flick something toward your eyes, you blink. If you touch something hot, you pull your hand away. We’re all born with those basic survival skills. You can’t teach or unteach
them, they’re just part of you. You don’t have to think about whether those reflexes will come through, they just always do. That’s how I want you to envision instinct. No thinking. Just the gut reaction that comes from being so ready, so prepared, so confident, that there’s nothing to think about. If you’re driving, and suddenly the car ahead of you slams on its brakes, do you pause to consider all your options or stop to ask for advice? No, you slam on the brakes. No thought, no hesitation. Instant response, based on experience and preparation. If you think, you die. When you just know, you can act. Whether you’re playing a sport or running a business, it’s the same concept. You don’t need to schedule a meeting to discuss a decision; you just make the decision. Your instincts become so finely tuned that you have a reflexive response that allows you to attack without thinking. In other words, you’re in the Zone.

Like all Cleaners, he didn’t study the competition, he made the competition study him. Other guys sat there analyzing and contemplating what might happen; he didn’t have to. He knew his skills and knowledge were so finely tuned that he could dominate any situation; he worked so long and hard that his body and mind reflexively knew what to do at all times.

The greats never stop learning. Instinct and talent without technique just makes you reckless, like a teenager driving a powerful, high-performance vehicle. Instinct is raw clay that can be shaped into a masterpiece, if you develop skills that match your talent. That can only come from learning everything there is to know about what you do. But real learning doesn’t mean clinging to the lessons. It means absorbing everything you can and then trusting yourself to use what you know instantaneously, without thinking. Instinctive, not impulsive . . . quick, not hurried. Knowing without a doubt that all the hours of work have created an unstoppable internal resource you can draw on in any situation. Having the maturity and experience to know who you are and how you got to the top, and the mental toughness to stay there.

Stop waiting to be taught something you already know . How many millions of diet and exercise books are sold every year ? I promise you , every single person who picks up one of those books already knows the answer : eat healthier and move your body . You can eat these calories or those calories , you can move this way or that way , but the result is the same , and you already know that . You bought that book already knowing what you had to do , you were just waiting for someone to tell you . Again . And instead of just making the decision to eat healthier and move more — for a lifetime , not just for twenty — one days or five hours a month or whatever the trend prescribes — you sat down with a book to analyze the situation . Trust me : no one ever lost weight sitting on the couch with a book. I’m not telling you to stop searching for answers. But learn about yourself, and then trust what you know so you can build on what you already have. It’s not a science. Instinct is the opposite of science: research tells you what others have learned, instinct tells you what you have learned. Science studies other people. Instinct is all about you.
Are you willing to base your decisions and actions on research done by and about people you don’t know, whose best advice is to tell you to change? Who knows you better than you know yourself? Oprah once said, “Every right decision I’ve ever made has come from my gut, and every wrong decision I’ve ever made was a result of me not listening.” Exactly. Of course, she also spent twenty-five years doing a show for people who preferred listening to her instead of listening to their own gut, as she told them whom they should believe and what they should do and how they should change. Every day, millions of people showed up to hear someone tell them what they were doing wrong, so they could receive instructions on how to live according to someone else’s standards. I wonder if any of those people came away understanding this:
People don’t change. You can make millions of dollars or lose millions of dollars, you can get a promotion or lose your job, gain forty pounds or lose forty pounds . . . but you’re still the same person. Exactly the same. You can change environments and spouses and careers . . . you’re still the same person. No matter what you try, it’s a temporary deal; sooner or later, you’re going back to your natural self. Remember my undelivered note to Dwyane? “In order to have what you really want, you must first be who you really are.” That’s a Cleaner. When you look inside, you see what’s real. When you look on the outside, you can only see images and what people want you to see, a manipulated picture of the truth. Ask yourself, what would it let go of all the external pressure and expectations and just be yourself? I know you’re thinking, “It’s not that easy.” Well, it doesn’t have to be easy. If it were easy, everyone would do it. Lots of people start things; few are able to finish. Why? They don’t trust themselves to get to the end. They start thinking about everything that could go wrong, second-guessing their choices, listening to others instead of listening to themselves. Anyone can have a great idea . . . it’s what you do with the thought that defines you. In a Cooler, an idea will travel from his brain to his mouth — he has to talk about it, discuss it, share it with others for feedback and approval. In a Closer, it travels farther down toward his gut, but instead is diverted toward his heart, where it becomes slowed down by emotion and more thought. In a Cleaner, though, a thought moves straight to the gut, where instinct takes over and puts it into immediate action. That’s the ultimate difference between a Closer and a Cleaner, by the way. A Closer thinks about what he wants; a Cleaner feels it. A Closer tells his heart what he wants the outcome to be; a Cleaner’s heart decides on its own, he never has to think about it. Total confidence in his gut. The difference is that millisecond of pause between thinking, “I can do this,” and not having to think anything at all. When you’re great, you trust your instincts. When you’re unstoppable, your instincts trust you. Instinct is what tells you how to finish the fight. When you’re listening to a mess of external directions, you’re going to end up trying a million little things, without complete confidence that any of them will work. But when you’re trusting yourself, you have the focus and efficiency to pinpoint the one big move that will do the job. Think about a boxer, who can go around and around in the ring, ready for anything, until suddenly he seizes the moment he’s been waiting for. No wasted motion, no panic, no room for error. He’s played the moment in his mind so many times, he’s so prepared, he doesn’t have to think about it. He knows exactly what to do. That’s instinct. Believe what you know about yourself. When I decided to get a degree in kinesiology, everyone said, “Oh, you’re going to be a gym teacher?” No, I’m going to train pro athletes. “You can manage a health club!” No, I’m going to train pro athletes. There is zero chance you’ll get anywhere if you allow yourself to become paralyzed by soft excuses and countless reasons why you’ll never get to where you want to be. Trust your gut to navigate the hard road to get there. The satisfaction and sense of achievement will blow your mind when you finally arrive, knowing you arrived on your own with only your instincts to guide you. Stop thinking. Stop waiting. You already know what to do. But instinct is only half the formula; you can’t be a relentless competitor without a trip to the dark side, and that’s where we’re going next.

Remember where we started the discussion on instinct? Born bad, taught to be good? Welcome to your dark side. Deep inside you, there’s an undeniable force driving your actions, the part of you that refuses to be ordinary, the piece that stays raw and untamed. Not just instinct, but killer instinct. The kind you keep in the dark, where you crave things you don’t talk about. And you don’t care how it comes across to others because you know this is who you are, and you wouldn’t change if you could. Which you can’t, because no one really changes. < —

Fact : I’ve known a lot of very successful , highly driven individuals , and without exception every single one has a dark side . Their dominance and ability to go off the charts are all driven by something deep and intense ; it fuels and sustains them . The fire to prove greatness , sexual energy , insecurity . . . it’s something different in every person , but it’s all about going to that side of yourself that no one else can see . Getting rid of the safety net and judgmental opinions that hold most people back . Letting go .

That relentless drive to control the uncontrollable , to conquer everything in your path . . . that’s the dark side driving you to be who you really are . No challenge too great , too intimidating , too dangerous , because you have zero fear of failing . Zero . The satisfaction doesn’t come from the risk , it comes from mastering it . I own this .

Staying safe means being limited, and you can’t be limited if you’re going to be relentless.
Be honest: Would you be as successful if you followed all the rules and always behaved and never took chances? No, you’d be just like everyone else, scared about failing and worried about being liked.
But being relentless means constantly working for that result, not just when drama is on the line. Clutch is about the last minute. Relentless is about every minute.
I tell my guys, “Pressure, pressure, pressure.” Most people run from stress. I run to it. Stress keeps you sharp, it challenges you in ways you never imagined and forces you to solve issues and manage situations that send weaker people running for cover. You can’t succeed without it. Your level of success is defined by how well you embrace it and manage it. Because if you don’t manage it well, the other guy is waiting to find your weakness, and the moment you show it, he’ll attack. Exactly what you should do when someone shows weakness.

Remember, you don’t compete with anyone, you make them compete with you. You can control what you put on yourself; you can’t control what the other guy puts on you. So you focus only on the internal pressure that drives you. Run to it, embrace it, feel it, so no one else can throw more at you than you’ve already put on yourself.

I don’t want to hear that someone can’t “handle pressure.” Everyone can handle pressure. Most people choose not to because it’s easier to stay safe in the comfort zone. But if you want to be successful, to have that place in the sun, then you have to leave the shade. It’s not easy to leave the shade; it’s cool and comfortable, compared to the hot discomfort of the sun. But you can’t be relentless if you can’t take discomfort, and you can’t be unstoppable if you only deal with pressure when you have no choice.
Stress is what brings you to life. Let it motivate you, make you work harder. Use it, don’t run from it. When it makes you uncomfortable, so what? The payoff is worth it. Work through the discomfort, you’ll survive. And then go back for more.

Cleaners never feel external pressure; they only believe what’s inside them. You can criticize, analyze, demonize a Cleaner, but he’s still only going to feel pressure from within. He knows what he’s doing right, and what he’s doing wrong. He does not care what you think. He steps out of his comfort zone and challenges himself to get to the next level. It all goes back to confidence. When you’re challenged, do you bring the pressure, or do you let the other guy push you into a corner? Do you feel trapped like a rat or do you attack first? Do you pull back, afraid of the fight, or do you make the other guy get in the mud with you? Wounds heal, scars don’t; those are your combat medals. In the MJ days, we’d say, “Go get some on ya.” Go get dirty. → C. Ronaldo näide while they whistle, he just takes his fucken shirt off to show who is the player.

Being relentless means having the courage to say, “I’m going for this, and if I’m wrong, I’ll make a change and I’ll still be fine.” You can’t control or anticipate every obstacle that might block your path. You can only control your response, and your ability to navigate the unpredictable. Whatever happens, you have the smarts and skills to figure it out and arrive at the outcome you wanted in the first place. And when I say “figure it out,” I don’t mean thinking about it for a week and asking everyone you know what they think. I mean immediately, instinctively, hearing that voice inside saying, “This way!” And you go. Of course, it’s not possible to be 100 percent accurate and successful all the time; instinct doesn’t recognize nuance and detail, it just flashes at you and allows your skill to take over, so it’s entirely possible to rely on instinct and still make the wrong decision.

When a Cooler makes a mistake, he’ll give you a lot of excuses but no solutions. When a Closer makes a mistake, he finds someone else to blame. When a Cleaner makes a mistake, he can look you in the eye and say, “I fucked up.” That’s it. Confident, simple, factual, no explanation. You made a mistake? Fine. Don’t explain it to me for an hour. The truth is one sentence, I don’t need a long story. You tell me you messed up, take responsibility . . . now you’ve gained my trust. As soon as you start giving me reasons and rationalizations, I know you have something to hide, and you’re not ready to take ownership. Save us both the time. You fucked up. Say it. There is not a faster way to alleviate pressure. “Man, I fucked up.” Okay. There’s no comeback for that, you owned it. Now fix it. You can’t fix something unless you admit it. People think admitting mistakes creates more pressure because now they’re to blame for something. False. The ability to put your hands up and say, “Yep, my fault,” is the greatest way to stop the pressure. Now you only have one objective: resolve the issue. As long as you continue to deny responsibility, you have the added burden of covering your mistake, and you know the truth will eventually come out anyway. Why bother prolonging the drama? You screwed up, admit it.

I’ve made tons of mistakes, I’m going to make plenty more. But I never think of them as failures. Failure to me is when you bring other people into it, when you’re looking for an out instead of accepting your own mistake and planning a route to resolving the issue. Once you start blaming others, you’re admitting you had no control over the situation. And without that control, you can’t create a solution. Are there times when you truly have no control? Absolutely. But at that point, it’s on you to figure out how to take charge and navigate forward. Otherwise, you’re allowing external pressure to dictate the outcome. Create your own pressure to succeed, don’t allow others to create it for you. Have the confidence to trust that you can handle anything.

When you’re confident, you don’t care about what others think; you can take your mistakes seriously but still laugh because you know you can and will do better. Cleaners always have the confidence to know they’ll get it right. Accept the consequences and move on.

But that’s not me: when I’m wrong, I’ll tell you. My mistake, my miscalculation, and I told him that after the game. That’s internal pressure at work, getting on yourself for something no one else would even notice and challenging yourself to get it right. Not because you have to, but because you want to. Have the confidence to say when you’ve screwed up, and people will respect you for it. If you did it, own it. If you said it, stand by it. Not just the mistakes, but all your decisions and choices. That’s your reputation. Make it count. If you want your opinions to have value, you have to be willing to put them out there and mean what you say. Two things you can’t let anyone take from you: you can’t let them take away your reputation, and you can’t let them take away your balls. That means accepting the pressure of taking responsibility for everything you say and do.

What the hell is “inner drive”? Inner drive is nothing more than thought without action, internal wanderings that never hit the pavement to go anywhere. Completely worthless until those thoughts become external and convert to action. What good is the drive on the inside? Where are the results? People who preach inner drive are dreamers with a lot of ideas and a lot of talk, and zero production. They tell you everything they’re going to do, and then they do nothing. That’s inner drive.
Passion: a strong feeling or emotion for something or someone. Very nice. Now what? Are you just feeling it, or are you going to do something about it? I love hearing motivational speakers tell people to “follow your passion.” Follow it? How about work at it. Excel at it. Demand to be the best at it. Follow it? Eh.
Trust yourself. Decide. Every minute, every hour, every day that you sit around trying to figure out what to do, someone else is already doing it. While you’re trying to choose whether to go left or right, this way or that way, someone else is already there.

A Cleaner makes decisions because there’s no chance in the world he’s going to let anyone else make a decision for him. He may ask your opinion and add it to everything else he knows, but he’s not going to do what anyone else tells him; he’s still going to follow his own instincts. And once he decides, it’s set in stone; he doesn’t care what anyone else thinks of his choice, and he’s going to live with the outcome. He decides, and then he acts.

You make a choice and stand by it. Most people can’t do that. They’re content to “wing it” or “see what happens.” Come on, you already know what’s going to happen if you go into it that way — whatever you started is going to fall apart. But that’s what most people do, they “test the waters” before jumping in. Why? Unless you suspect those waters are churning with crocodiles, what’s the worst thing that can happen if you take the plunge? You get wet. A Cleaner thinks, “No problem, I’ll swim.” Most people just stand at the edge shivering and looking for a towel. Oh, you can’t swim? Fine, then tell me what you can do. Why stand at the water’s edge feeling sorry for yourself? Go a different way, excel in another area, while everyone else is just competing for space in the same pool. You don’t become unstoppable by following the crowd, you get there by doing something better than anyone else can do it, and proving every day why you’re the best at what you do.

I’ll tell a player, “In order for you to reach your highest ability, this is going to be your number one focus. I want to make you excellent at this one thing. You can be average and above average at the other things, but when people talk about someone who can do this, you’re going to be the first name on the list.”
Figure out what you do, then do it. And do it better than anyone else.

When some guys get injured and the doctor tells them they can’t work out, they’re fine with that, it’s a relief and they don’t miss it. When a Cleaner gets injured, he’s going to find a way to work out or go crazy trying. You have to make a choice. You can listen to the doctor and have a safer, longer recovery, or you can take the shorter route, a quick fix, maybe not long-term quality but you’ll be able to play. Depends how badly you want it.

It all comes back to this, no matter what you do in life: Are you willing to make the decision to succeed? Are you going to stand by that decision or quit when it gets hard? Will you choose to keep working when everyone else tells you to quit? Pain comes in all sorts of disguises — physical, mental, emotional. Do you need to be pain-free? Or can you push past it and stand by your commitment and decision to go further? It’s your choice. The outcome is on you.

A Cooler makes you wish you paid him less.
A Closer asks how much and then decides how hard he’ll work.
A Cleaner doesn’t think about the money; he just does the work and knows you’ll be grateful for the privilege of paying him.

No question, those who are gifted get to the top faster than anyone else. So what? Is that your excuse for not reaching as high? The challenge is staying there, and most people don’t have the balls to put in the work. If you want to be elite, you have to earn it. Every day, everything you do. Earn it. Prove it. Sacrifice.

People who start at the top never understand what they missed at the bottom. The guy who started by sorting the mail, or cleaning the restaurant late at night, or fixing the equipment at the gym, that’s the guy who knows how things get done. After he’s eventually worked his way up through the ranks, he knows how everything works, why it works, what to do when it stops working. That’s the guy who will have longevity and value and impact, because he knows what it took to get to the top. You can’t claim you ran a marathon if you started at the seventeenth mile. Most people are looking for an elevator instead of taking the stairs — they want the easy route. People quit their workouts and diets because they’re too hard. They stop advancing in their careers and lives because it’s too much work. Guys make it to the pros and then don’t want to play for coaches who are too tough. They can’t deal with being uncomfortable so they seek the shortcut, and when they can’t find it, they quit.

He didn’t work on being flashy, he worked on being consistent, and he worked on it relentlessly. Cleaners don’t care about instant gratification; they invest in the long-term payoff.




Written by Maximilion

I read 50+ books per year and share my notes and learnings via Medium. Trading Financial Markets. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @Maximili0n

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